Friday, December 23, 2011

微软仿Chrome自动升级背后 意在让用户放弃IE6

微软仿Chrome自动升级背后 意在让用户放弃IE6:

历史的车轮滚滚向前,无情的将各种旧物抛在身后,在日新月异的IT行业中体现更加明显。12月16日,微软IE业务和营销总经理Ryan Gavin在博客中表示,微软将在明年初推出IE自动升级功能,希望用户不再使用IE6。在网页标准化不断升级以及浏览器竞争日益激烈的今天,微软推出IE自动升级功能,是浏览器市场竞争日益激烈的使然,也是发展的必然。


IE6辉煌的过去 今时开发者的伤


2001年8月24日注定是一个不同寻常的日子,微软公司在那天发布了一款视窗操作系统Windows XP,这一系统是迄今为止微软最成功的操作系统,伴随着XP的成功也还有内置的IE6浏览器,在当时,IE6的提升是巨大的,不仅提升了DHTML,还支持CSS1、DOM1,以及SMIL2.0,同时也还可以对图片大小自动调整,这么多的优势让IE6成为了使用最广泛的浏览器,甚至市场占有率一度达到95%。IE6固然是很好的浏览器,不过那只是十年前的事了。对于开发者来说,现在的IE6不仅不支持最新的Web技术和标准,也让开发者在设计的时候不得不考虑IE6这个变态,比如PNG多位透明、不支持相对窗口位置等等,更让人不可容忍的是存在着浮动填充Bug,这使得你只有在了解所有Bug的基础上才能设计出能够正确展示的网页,这不仅让开发者痛苦,同时也阻碍了Web技术的发展和标准的推广。另外令用户体验不佳的还有不支持多标签打开、不支持HTML5、对CSS支持不好、还有那永无止尽的漏洞……,存在着这么多的问题,就连微软都希望IE6尽早消失。

Chrome首超火狐 微软压力倍增



2010年初,IE8登上这个宝座后就一直持续到现在,而谷歌Chrome 15全球市场份额达到24%,IE8为22.9%,火狐8.0为14%,IE9则只有10.4%,位于第四。




我们可以分析一下IE浏览器战败的原因。起初,微软在扼杀网景浏览器之后,便自满自足,在获得浏览器市场绝对市场份额之后便失去了更新浏览器的动力,这从IE6与下代浏览器IE7推出相隔五年之久便可端倪出,而这五年,反观其他公司:苹果开始研发iPhone,谷歌也从一家新兴企业成为搜索行业的巨头,微软呢?浏览器市场份额一直下滑,在这么一个互联网发展飞速,移动互联纵横的时代,用户良好的体验便是王道,相比于Chrome的简洁(当然功能也丰富)、快速,火狐众多个性化插件、自定义的细节,IE又有什么呢?IE9 图形硬件加速的噱头?

再反观更新速度上,2011年发布号称体验更佳的IE9与IE8相隔了三年之久,在这三年,Chrome从2008年犀弱、功能单一的浏览器成长为今天全能浏览器,在12月14日谷歌推出Chrome 16版本后,Chrome 17也随即进行内部测试,新功能不断的加入和完善,同时谷歌也积极收购新创公司,加强Chrome团队。再看开源的火狐,11月份发布8.0版本,12月20日便推出了9.0正式版。微软除了在系统补丁里反反复复更新IE的安全性以及图形显示外,它还为用户做了什么?话说回来,如果不是IE内置于Windows系统,如果不是各大网银、政府网站支持IE的话,它的市场份额估计更不堪忍睹。

自动升级的背后 微软发力浏览器市场





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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Business of Google APIs 2011

Business of Google APIs 2011:

ProgrammableWeb says Google has 94 APIs. I roughly count about 75 going through Google Code. I’m more concerned with public web APIs, and Google has Android, Chrome and other non-web APIs, so its hard to tell.

In any case I would consider Google to the largest public web API owner around. I don’t think any other single provider, owns the number of, as well as size of public APIs, that Google does. As with any leading API providers I think there is a lot to learn in studying their approach to API deployment and management.

With this in mind I wanted to take a look at the Business of Google APIs in 2011 as one of my year-end, API reflection posts. I think there are some important lessons to be learned from the work Google did over 2011, to get their API business in order.

Google was already setting the theme for 2011, with the launch of Google Console in November 2010. The Google API Console helps developers manage their Google API usage across all of thier sites and apps. It was clear, Google was not just looking for a way to get a handle on how they deploy and manage large numbers of APIs, they were acknowledging developers needed a way as well.

Google API Console centralized how developers managed the Google APIs they used, traffic generated via these APIs, introduced billing management for some APIs, and provided developers with project and team building tools. Google supports 30 APIs inside of the API Console now.

In 2011 Google also worked to make their APIs more discoverable for developers with the launch Google API Discovery Service. The Google API Discovery Service provides a set of web APIs for discovering metadata across Google APIs by delivering a JSON-based API that provides a directory of supported Google APIs, and a machine-readable discovery document for each API.

Now developers can integrate Google API discovery into client libraries, IDE plugins and other tools, making it easier to discover the API they need. After providing an API discovery service, Google followed another 2011 trend around deploying the Google API Explorer.

Like other API explorers, Google API Explorer allows users to make calls and explore REST APIs using a web interface, allowing anyone to start using an API without writing any code, even when authentication using Basic Auth or OAuth is required.

API explorers have done a lot to improve the time it takes for developers to get up and running using an API, but nothing beats good quality code samples, and Google put some serious effort into standardized code samples that can be used across Google APIs, in multiple programming languages:

Beyond making it easier to discover, explore and manage APIs with Google Discovery, Google Explorer and Google Console in 2011, Google also spent a lot of time addressing API security.

The first step to improving the security of Google APIs was by supporting SSL across all Google APIs. Next Google went all in by not just working to support OAuth 2.0 across Google APIs, they want to help developers understand OAuth 2.0, making it easier to secure applications with the standard. To help facilitate this understanding, Google opened up the OAuth 2.0 Playground, which is meant to simplify experimentation with the OAuth 2.0 protocol and APIs that use the protocol by developers.

With these moves by Google in 2011, I think we can say that SSL support and OAuth 2.0 are two API security essentials that are here to stay. After working on security, Google moved into the legal department with the introduction of a single Google APIs Terms of Service.

Google has rewritten their terms from the ground up with the goal of making them easier to understand for application developers, and one by one, redirecting each API to use the centralized, easier to understand terms of service. At the moment it seems as though most of the APIs that use the central terms of service are content and data related APIs, like Google Moderator and Blogger, while more complex APIs like Youtube and Google Adwords still use their own terms of service.

Overall Google made some pretty significant improvements to get their API house in order. Of course in order to do this they also had to make some hard decision, like deciding to shut down 18 Google APIs in May, which included the Google Translate API. A decision they reversed two months later, when they decided it was better to offer Google Translate as a billable API under Google Console.

As the API Evangelist I don’t really invent any of the API approaches I write about, I try to shed light on what others are doing. Thats what this post is all about, shedding light on how Google is conducting the business of their APIs, so we can learn from them-- the good and the bad.

I think its important to remember that we are all making this shit up as we go along, of course it should be based on some experience, but ultimately we are in some seriously new territory, and even some of the biggest players in this space fumble the ball. This fact became painfully clear in an accidental post by Googler Steve Yegge, shedding light into the API strategy of not just Google, but also Amazon.

So what do I take from Google’s approach to APIs in 2011?

  • API discovery is important

  • API exploration is important

  • Centralized billing and reporting are essentials

  • Good quality code samples are essential

  • Security with SSL and OAuth 2.0 for APIs is standard

  • The legal around APIs needs to be easier and standardized

  • Sometimes, APIs go away

  • We are all making this shit up as we go along

A lot of this is what we already are seeing from API service providers in the space like 3Scale, Apigee, Atmosphere and Mashery. But, what I don’t see, is anyone addressing discoverability, easy legal and centralized billing, management and reporting from a developers perspective.

Google is addressing all of this because its in their best interest for ALL developers to be successful, where API service providers tend to focus on the success of developers who use their client APIs, not ALL developers.

Well, maybe in 2012 a service provider can step up with a solution that help developers discover and manage their business and legal across “ANY” API, or maybe Google can open the doors to any API provider to use the Google API platform as part of any Google Apps account?