Friday, December 30, 2011

Review: Top 3 SEO WordPress Plugins

Review: Top 3 SEO WordPress Plugins:

Top three SEO plugins for WordPress

"What's the best WordPress SEO plugin?"

I'm asked that question all the time, and recently took part in a debate discussing which plugin is best. I decided to draft a features list comparing the top three most downloaded SEO plugins to get a better picture of what each plugin has to offer, et voilĂ !

I'll be comparing and contrasting features of the All in one SEO Pack, vs WordPress SEO by Yoast, vs Platinum SEO. To be fair, there is no loser among the three because each plugin is impressive and will make your WordPress site much more search engine friendly. I'll talk about which plugin is my favorite in the conclusion, so you can review the features bias-free, and implement whichever plugin matches your specific set of needs.

If you know a developer – or anyone that would like their WordPress site to rank well in search engines – please help them out by sharing this review so that these plugins don't go unused.

The plugins:

All in One SEO Pack

Downloads: 9,570,544

Author: Michael Torbert

Plugin page

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Downloads: 761,035

Author: Joost de Valk

Plugin Page

Platinum SEO Pack

Downloads: 656,205

Author: Techblissonline Dot Com (Rajesh)

Plugin Page

Honorable mention plugin: I can't leave out the oldie-but-still-goodie, SEO Ultimate.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup and First Appearances

  2. Plugin Features

  3. Migration/Import/Export

  4. Page-Level SEO Controls

  5. XML Sitemaps

  6. Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, and Open Graph Schema

1. Setup and First Appearances

All in one SEO PackWordPress SEO by YoastPlatinum SEO
Warns if WordPress is blocking search engines

green checkmark

Requires a second click to enable plugin

green checkmark

Has its own navigation section

Found under general settings

green checkmark

green checkmark

Developer ads and news

green checkmark

green checkmark

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3rd party ads

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Pro (paid) version

green checkmark

All in one SEO Pack Plugin for WordPress

2. Plugin Features

All in one SEO PackWordPress SEO by YoastPlatinum SEO
Handy tips and help section

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

Configure title tag templates

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

Configure meta description templates

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

Automatically generates meta descriptions

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

Configure meta keyword templates (or disable)

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

Disallow search engines from specific sections of WordPress

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

Canonical tag support

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

noodp Support

green checkmark

green checkmark

noydir Support

green checkmark

green checkmark

Permalinks Optimization (search-engine-friendly URLs)

green checkmark

Redirect attachment URLs to parent post

green checkmark

301 redirect edits to permalinks

green checkmark

404 page optimization

Breadcrumbs & title tags

Title tags

Add custom HTML to the head tag

green checkmark

green checkmark

Use nofollow on category & archive pages

green checkmark

Breadcrumb & internal link optimization

green checkmark

Controls to limit clutter in the head tag

green checkmark

Hide RSS feeds/links

green checkmark

RSS Feed Optimization

green checkmark

Edit access to .htaccess file

green checkmark

Platinum SEO Pack plugin for WordPress

3. Migration/Import/Export

All in one SEO PackWordPress SEO by YoastPlatinum SEO
Plugin data migration support

From All in one SEO, Headspace2, & other Yoast plugins

From All in One SEO

Ability to export data for backups and migration

green checkmark

Platinum SEO pack migration features

4. Page-Level SEO Controls

All in one SEO PackWordPress SEO by YoastPlatinum SEO
Edit title, meta description, and meta keywords tags

green checkmark

green checkmark

green checkmark

SERPs snippet preview while you type (see screenshot below)

green checkmark

Page analysis (based on target phrase) with feedback and tips

green checkmark

Set 301 redirects

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Wordpress SEO page level snippet preview

Page level SEO controls for the All in one SEO pack plugin

Page-level SEO controls: Platinum SEO Pack

5. XML Sitemaps

All in one SEO PackWordPress SEO by YoastPlatinum SEO
XML Sitemap Support

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Pings search engines

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Include/Exclude content types

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6. Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, and Open Graph Schema

All in one SEO PackWordPress SEO by YoastPlatinum SEO
Google Analytics Support

green checkmark

Google Webmaster Tools verification

With custom header settings

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With custom header settings

Bing Webmaster Tools verification

With custom header settings

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With custom header settings

Alexa verification

With custom header settings

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With custom header settings

Open Graph Support

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Wordpress SEO by Yoast Plugin

Open Graph integration with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin

There you have it! I'll repeat myself in saying that all three plugins are fantastic and one of these three plugins should be active on every WordPress installation (that is intended to appear in search engines). With that being said, I'm a huge fan of Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin. It is by far the most complete and has the best looking user interface. I'm certain that it's only in second place in terms of downloads because it hasn't been around as long — but just give it some time.